Hotel Booking Engine

Powerful and certified booking engine for Hotels, B&B, Villas and Apartments

Direct Bookings

PMS + Booking Engine

You own the software

Booking System Hotel Plugin

Centralized Reservations from all Booking Channels

Reservations coming from any channels will be saved on your admin panel section, so that you can build your own database of customers and financial data.

Stop depending on third party and external systems by choosing an Internal Booking Engine.

Power in your hands. Manage all your reservations, switch, add or remove rooms, change dates, apply different rate costs, add fees or extra services and much more.

Send messages to the customers via email or sms.

power at your hand
manual reservations

Manual Reservations, Open/Close Rooms

With the calendar page you can quick book a room for a customer and reduce the availability. Being able to manually register reservations is fundamental. With just a few clicks you can assign a customer to the reservation.

You can close rooms in no time. Just select the dates you want to close and check the box for stopping the reservations.

Receptionists can easily handle offline or manual reservations from the calendar page.

Walk-in customers, or those who prefer to book via phone, can easily and quickly be register in the system to update the availability.

rooms availability calendar
dashboard and availability overview

Dashboard and Availability Overview

The dashboard page helps to see the guests who arriving, leaving or staying at the hotel. The tools for the receptionist is very helpful.

Keep track of the past, present and feature reservations from the page Availability Overview. Change from one room to another with drag and drop.

Thanks to Rooms Numbering feature, you can know exactly in which room your customers staying, and you can move them to a different unit easily.

availability overview with subunits
rooom details page

Rooms and Rooms Types Management with Sub-units

Set up your rooms as you do with an OTA. Put the minimum and maximum number of adults, children and total guests for each room type.

Thanks to the function Distinctive Feature you will be able to assigne the reservations to spesific room unit, to know exactly in which room your guests will staying.

Assign to your room specific optional services that guests can order during the booking process, like breakfast, rent a car etc.

Amenities and Characteristics can be specified for each room type with photo gallery of the room.

room options and fees
rate plans

Rate Plans and Rooms Rates

You will be able to set up any possible pricing rule. You can use Rates per night, per occupancy, or per day.

Set up one or more Rate Plans to define different cancellation policies and booking terms.

Per day pricing: this is the most common pricing model. Every day of the year can have its own cost.

Per Day by Length of Stay: this pricing model is often adopted by Apartments, Villas and B&Bs. For example, 1 night 80€, 2 nights 150€ and so on.

Per Occupancy:if you use different rates depending on the number of adults. You can adjust the costs of the rooms depending on the number od adults that occupy it. For example you want to rent a double room to a single adult.

Children: the children can be charged depending on their age.

room rate
seasonal prices

Seasonal prices and Promotions will let you alter the prices on some seasons, weekends and festivities of the year. With charges or discounts either values or percentages, you will be able to adjust your prices in no time.

Booking Restrictions: this is a function that you must have. With Restrictions you can define your bookings rules for certain dates or months of the year. For example, in high season you can limit the length of stay to 2 nights.

CTA/CTD: restrictions can also be used to close certain days of arrival or departures. That is what the CTA and CTD rules meant for.

Compliant with the OTA standards

booking restrictions
guide your visitors

Guide your visitors: during the selection of the dates for check in and check out, with some restrictions in place, the system will automatically exclude certain dates depending on the minimum and maximum stay.

Suggest the closet Booking Solutions: in case of no availability for the dates requested, the system can suggest to book on some other dates when there is still available, or it can suggest different booking solutions.

Payment Gateways, PMS Reports and Guest Registration

Collect the paymentthrough your preferred payment gateway. We developed over 60 different payment gateways for various banks.

By using a payment gateway to collect either a deposit or the full reservation amount, the system will instantly and automatically confirm the reservation.

payment gateways
PMS reports

PMS can help you in the Hotel industry. It gives you reports like revenue, top countries, options/extras, tourist taxes and much more.

Another function is the guest registration. Check your customers in by generating a PDF document and by letting them sign in through a signature pad.

Reservations can also be marked as NON SHOW in case the customer did not show up.

guest registration
scheduled emails sms

You can automatize some functions such as to send a reminder via email to all customers that will be checking in the day after. You can schedule also and a reminder for the remaining balance that should paid before arrival.

Inviting your customers to leave a review for your hotel after their stay.

This function let you also generate and invoicing and send it via email to your customers.

The First and Native Channel Manager

Certified and PCI-DSS compliant. A modern technology that revolutionizes the Hotels Industry. Freedom and Power at your hands.

The Channel Manager is a complementary service that can interface your own hotel website with online booking channels (Expedia,, Instant booking by Tripadvisor etc.) and external meta search services (TripConnect, Trivago Meta Search). The Channel Manager allows the communication with the booking engine for your website as well as the synchronization of Hotel rooms availability, services and prices. Contact is for more details.

channel manager marketup

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We’d be happy to sit down and discuss your objectives, and help you achieve your goals.

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